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Luxury House Brand 







23000 sq ft

Luxury house brand

Design & Construction



Design Lead

This holding group is home for some of the worlds most luxurious brands. Having lead their design for their offices in Saudi Riyad I was honored to be invited to work on the relocation of their Dubai HQ. 

The challenge of this space was to create an office space to be shared by 4 over arching brands allowing them to showcase their strong brand identities in cohesive collaboration with each other. To add another layer of complexity this was a design and construction engagement with 3 different budgets across different zones. 

The Concept

A strong concept is the fundamental ingredient in creating an architectural environment that allows any brand to shine. Here the concept needed to show the identity of 4 brands. A 'thriving ecosystem inspired by the Al Hayer forest' a piece of magnificence local to region become the driving force that allowed each identity to thrive with our overshadowing the other. 

Office Concept Narative

Concept Realization

This concept of 'a thriving ecosystem' was integrated into every design decision. Below are just a few of the ways in which this concept came to life through architectural form and materiality. 

Work space design

Centralized planting features showcased into the center of every custom designed and curved workstation.  


Soft and subtle curves inlayed into every detail from the acoustic ceiling panels to the feature curved light detail. 

Welcome point

The vertical layering inspired by forest trunks  is seen throughout;  in subtle forms such as the transparent luxiouse mesh glass, sheer curtains, bronze inlayed in to blackened oak louvers 

Reception Design

Vertical wooden and illuminated features are layered into the space giving the subtle impression of the verticality of tree trunks, layered with planting and natural wall coverings creates deeper entrenchment of the concept. 

Staff Hub

Natural textures, graphic prints, draped biophilic features and soft warm tones contrasted with a green colour palette all played a fundamental role in making this concept cohesive. 

Collaboration space

Biofilic niches are featured through out at high / mid and low plane levels just as one would see in a forest. 

Welcome point

Subtle curves and natural finishes are featured through the flooring pathways defining zones, guiding users and allowing subtle changes between branding zones 

Reception Design

Disclaimer : Zoe Victoria's designed this space during her tenure at SBID

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