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The role of interior design in promoting occupant wellness and creating healthy indoor environments is increasingly recognized as vital to a truly healthy home. The design of interior spaces profoundly influences the health and well-being of those who live in them. Elements like air quality, lighting, acoustics, and the emotional atmosphere of a space are all critical in shaping environments that support overall wellness.


This people-centered approach is a core value to Zoe Victoria, integrating the scientifically supported principles of Salutogenesis and Neuroaesthetics into every design. This philosophy ensures that the spaces we create not only look beautiful but also have a meaningful impact on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Salutogenesis : 

A design philosophy founded on focusings on the factors that support human health and well-being, rather than those that cause disease. It emphasizes creating environments that foster physical, emotional, social, and mental health. By prioritizing wellness in design, we shift the focus from merely preventing illness to actively promoting health and well-being. There are 5 fundamental aspects of Salutogenesis : 

Health & Fitness,       Safety & Security,       Functionality,     


 Comfort & Joy,       Accessibility


Neuroaesthetics is the study of how our brains respond to beauty and design, exploring the connection between our environment and emotional well-being. In interior design, this field can be harnessed to create spaces that evoke positive emotional responses, enhance mood, and reduce stress. By understanding how elements like color, texture, and spatial arrangement & biofilic design impact the brain, we can design interiors that not only meet functional needs but also promote mental and emotional well-being, making every space a nurturing environment.

Health & Fitness

The design of our homes is pivotal in influencing our health. By creating spaces that enable physical activity and encourage healthy lifestyle choices, and by selecting materials that promote good air quality and minimize exposure to pollutants, we can craft environments that support both our physical well-being and long-term health.


Comfort & Joy

By incorporating elements that provide comfort and evoke joy, we create living environments that are both pleasant and enjoyable. Understanding the study of 'Neuroaesthetics' enables us to leverage the built environment's impact on the psyche through scientifically supported strategies.


 Spaces designed to be intuitively usable, reducing stress and enhancing daily life by supporting the physical and mental needs of occupants. Functional design in a salutogenic home ensures that spaces are practical and efficient, fostering a sense of control and coherence.


Safety & Security

A key aspects of salutogenic design, by using secure materials, proper lighting, and thoughtful layouts that prevent accidents, this approach ensures both physical and psychological safety. Features like secure entryways and accessible exits  & fire safety measures. By fostering a sense of security and promoting overall health, reducing stress and fostering peace of mind.

Universal Design

Universal Design is a design philosophy focused on creating environments that are inclusive and accessible to individuals of all abilities and life stages. It addresses the needs of those who are physically challenged, neurodiverse, and those undergoing various life changes, such as menopause. This approach involves designing spaces that meet diverse physical requirements while also considering sensory and cognitive needs, incorporating elements that minimize overstimulation and enhance ease of use.


Biophilic Design

Incorporating natural elements into interior spaces enhances well-being by tapping into our deep-rooted biology that drives our visceral reactions to nature.  Strategic use of natural light, plant life, water elements, and organic materials, creates environments that reduce stress, boost mood, and improve cognitive function as it resonates with our innate connection to nature.

Lighting Design

By applying the science of neuroaesthetics and understanding how light influences our circadian rhythms—and, consequently, our sleep cycles, immune system, and hormone levels—we can harness the power of lighting design to significantly enhance our health. Strategically designing lighting to align with our natural rhythms enables us to create home environments that promote optimal health, improve sleep quality, and support overall well-being.


Colour Theory

The science of color theory demonstrates that different colors significantly impact our mental state, influencing emotions and overall mood. In interior design, this understanding is vital for crafting environments that support desired emotional outcomes. 

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